Performing when the Heat is On | KnitMesh
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Performing when the Heat is On

Posted On : Tuesday 02nd June

Many industrial applications require components to function at high temperatures during operation, putting parts and equipment under pressure to maintain performance and deliver to a high standard.

To support such industries, parts containing knitted mesh are often used, as it’s able to withstand extremely high temperatures whilst maintaining its core function.

The automotive industry is one such sector that requires products to be able to withstand extremely high temperatures safely. As such, our product range used by auto manufacturers industry is extensive and includes; mesh products for heat shields, exhaust systems, decoupling joints and load support assemblies. In each case, they provide an effective solution for Buzz, Squeak & Rattle (BSR) and Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) issues, being proven to absorb vibration, accommodate thermal expansion and reduce noise.

The versatility of knitted mesh products also means that we are able to develop products using a range of materials with differing densities to suit the needs of different industries and applications. Their flexibility, durability and ability to withstand extremely high temperatures mean that the products are particularly popular in industries such as: Automotive, Aerospace, Filtration, Oil and Gas, Military and more.

The most popular mesh material for performance at high temperature is stainless steel, although products are available in wide range of other materials, for example, Fecralloy®, nickel & aviation grade nickel alloys, titanium, precious metals, etc. In fact, we can knit product in any metallic, mineral or man-made wire, filament or yarn.

Stainless steel mesh is typically applied to the harshest environments encountered in the automotive and aviation industries. The material is also well suited to hygienic applications in the medical, pharmaceutical, food processing and catering sectors due to the versatility of the material. Customers can also select from a wide range of wires with varying diameters, elasticity, thermal expansion, conductivity, specific heat and electrical resistivity characteristics so the right product can be developed depending on the application.

Combinations of different materials can also be used to create different mesh products. Our thermal insulation mesh provides a cost-effective, widely used means of sheathing and reinforcing numerous industrial thermal insulation materials. Mesh also helps with industrial insulation and protects against abrasion and general fibre break-up through handling, vibration and long-term deterioration.

So next time you have a high temperature application, spare a thought for the knitted mesh parts that make it possible to maintain performance when the heat is on.

If you would like to find out more about our range of products, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, contact us on +44 (0)1352 717 600 or email us at

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