Case Study: Knitted Mesh Vibration Damper for Harsh Industrial Environments | KnitMesh
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Case Study: Knitted Mesh Vibration Damper for Harsh Industrial Environments

Posted On : Mittwoch 29th November

KnitMesh Technologies, the leading global manufacturer of high-quality knitted mesh solutions, is delighted to present an important case study highlighting the exceptional performance of our innovative knitted mesh vibration dampers in a real-life scenario. The study, originally prepared as a whitepaper by our partner Sergio Anda at Viblens, demonstrates the ground-breaking capabilities of our dampers in effectively controlling vibrations.

In harsh industrial environments, designing anti-vibration isolators that can withstand extreme conditions such as high temperatures, grease, oils, and chemicals is crucial. This case study presents a scenario where KnitMesh Technologies successfully designed and manufactured a custom-made knitted mesh damper to operate in adverse environmental conditions. The knitted mesh damper met strict requirements for damping performance and available installation space for the application.

The project followed a systematic methodology to address the unique challenges of the situation:

Identification of the problem: a thorough assessment of the issue and formulation of an action plan

Evaluation of needs: diagnostic measurements, simulations, and calculations to understand the specific requirements

Solution design and proposal: designing a custom vibration damper based on the restrictive requirements Testing was conducted to validate the solution.

Execution of the solution: Supplying and installing the designed solution

Evaluation of objectives: Post-operational measures were carried out to ensure the fulfilment of objectives.

Support and accompaniment: KnitMesh Technologies provided continuous support throughout all phases of the project and beyond.

The customer approached KnitMesh Technologies with a problem of vibration transmission from a motor to adjacent machines and the ground. This vibration was impacting the accuracy of a nearby machine’s control line, leading to the rejection of valid parts.

The motor was a combustion engine with a power of 242 kWm, dimensions of 1700 x 950 x 1250 mm, and weighing 986 kg. It was rigidly anchored to a carbon steel metal bed, which was then attached to the ground. The environmental conditions were severe, with sporadic spills of oil, grease, and chemicals, along with high temperatures reaching up to 420°C in the support areas.

Vibration measurements were conducted at 100% load to identify the main peak frequency. The measurements confirmed that the maximum peak occurred at the main rotation frequency of the engine.

Given the restrictive requirements, a bespoke vibration damper was designed to isolate the vibrations effectively. The design objectives included:

Vibration isolation: A target anti-vibration attenuation of at least 75% was set, with a maximum frequency limit of 16.40 Hz.

Charge: The design considered a charge of approximately 161.2 daN.

Mechanical resistance: compression resistance was set at 483.6 daN and traction resistance at 80.6 daN.

Environmental conditions: The damper needed to withstand a working temperature of 420°C and be resistant to oils, greases, and chemicals.

Dimensions: The maximum height was limited to 20mm, with no specific diameter limitation.

Considering these requirements, KnitMesh Technologies selected a custom stainless steel mesh vibration damper. The chosen damper offered the following advantages:

– A completely customised design to meet specific requirements

– Natural frequencies ranging from 10 to 30 hertz

– Damping ratio of 15% to 20%

– Resistance to aggressive environments

– Suitable for applications up to 900°C

The knitted mesh damper successfully met the project’s objectives by significantly reducing vibration transmission. Dampers of this type can be retro-fitted, as in this example, or specified during the design phase. In this way, potential problems that could affect the yield, safety, and service life of both the treated structures and surrounding machines can be anticipated and prevented.

Knitted mesh dampers, such as the ones provided by KnitMesh Technologies, are an excellent choice for isolating vibrations in environments with severe conditions such as high temperatures and exposure to oils and chemicals.

To learn more about our knitted mesh vibration dampers, contact KnitMesh Technologies today.